Head of Operations & Project Management

InvesTech Start Date:
April 2012
B.S., Environmental Science
Prior Work Experience:
Prior to joining InvesTech, Christina spent 8 years with a large private investment firm as a Business Analyst and Lead for the Banking and Correspondence Teams. She drove process improvements and participated in their talent acceleration program.
Role at InvesTech:
Christina Maloney is Head of Operations & Project Management for InvesTech Research. Managing all aspects of operations for the research firm from designing and distributing digital & print publications, subscriber communications, and other research features offered by InvesTech. She also contributes to web development, marketing projects, and ensuring the highest quality service is provided to its subscribers.
When not in the office:
Outside of business hours, Christina enjoys all things outdoors. She enjoys hiking, backpacking, and running with her two cattle dogs in the summer. In the winter, you will find her skiing, snowshoeing, or enjoying her books and music.