InvesTech was virtually alone in warning of Black Monday
InvesTech has an established reputation for maximizing safety-first profits. But reducing risk from major bear markets can be even more important, as shown in 1987 when InvesTech received widespread recognition from USA Today, The Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times for moving to a 100% cash position just prior to the October Crash.

Expert Advice on Investing
Jan. 4, 1988 – From his office overlooking Whitefish Lake in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Jim Stack foresaw the stock market crash of Oct. 19. On Sept. 30, his InvesTech newsletters told stock investors to move to 94% cash.
Only five newsletters predicted plunge
Oct. 22, 1987 – Hulbert Financial Digest is also bullish on InvesTech Market Analyst. The last stock in [InvesTech’s] model fund portfolio was sold October 16, three days before the crash. InvesTech said monetary conditions and technical factors pushed them towards caution.

Published the week before Black Monday…
Published the week before “Black Monday,” as Wall Street pundits insisted that the market’s recent 200-point drop was nothing more than a “correction.”